The Peterson Family

The Peterson Family

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Having a baby does not mean you have to stay locked up for months!

To preface, I'm in a twin mom group and I swear I do things different than about 90% or more of them and I swear my life is easier and less frustrating for it, that or my kids are unlike any other children, anywhere, ever!

Now, I like church, more than that I NEED church. I thoroughly believe that I would be insane without it and so many of these women seem to believe that having a baby (or 2 babies) means they don't need church for anywhere from 3 months to a year! I call bs! The thing is so many of these women that believe they are, and I quote, "Having the hardest time of my life!" To which I think to myself, gee, maybe it's because you need the support of the Lord! I believe that he makes things easier and if I'm not doing my part by being there, doing as he asks, and renewing my covenants he is no longer obligated to do his part, making my burden light, etc.

Today I was told I was extremely lucky that my kids haven't gotten sick when I've taken them to church as infants, I 100% disagree, I think I've been blessed for being where I'm supposed to be and also for not being a complete idiot. It's very possible to take your kids to church and keep them covered or not allow other people to touch them. I also nurse and that has proven benefits to help with immunity. I know there are guidelines such as not taking them out in a crowd, this I also think is ridiculous request, tell me where you can go that there isn't a crowd please. I still have to go to the store, if my kids are in school, well I've made the baby just as susceptible if I've allowed a sibling to go to school where there is illness. I mean really unless you are going to lock yourself and your entire family up for a year (husband included, he could get sick at work) or however long you deem necessary, you have no excuse to not be at church! Women have been having babies forever, and very few of them ever had the ability to lock themselves up for a year, and yet we are still here.

Addendum: I have a husband who works at least every other Sunday, I have taken 2 or 3 (ages 3 and under) kids, since birth, by myself more often than not, to church, I don't see the lack of help as an excuse for me to skip church (unless sickness is running rampant in my household, which fyi, happens very rarely, I immunize, and I don't have a great fear of germs, I want my kids to build up immunity), so to borrow a phrase that's pissing women off lately, what's your excuse? If you have 8 or more kids you are exempt from explaining yourself, that's a lot to do on your own, and if you do, more power to you!

Addendum 2: If you refuse to immunize your children please keep them away from mine, I will not knowing allow my children to be around yours. This goes along with me not being an idiot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a mother, but I agree that you don't need to lock yourself away from crowds. Just live life and be smart!
