I'm 35 and a half weeks pregnant. A week longer than we made it last time and it feels like freaking forever! I know 2 people that are due within 2 days of me on either direction, but they are planning C-sections, so they already know when their little girls are going to be here, unless they show up early. It just feels SO unfair! That said, I'm really hoping my little one is head down and we are good for a VBAC. I'm silly, but I really want to experience birth the way it is in my head, or at least partially the way it is in my head, meaning no emergency C section and actually getting to hold my baby after she's born. Not having to wait a day and have her hooked up to a million machines.
I've also finally gotten a little crafty, today I made a carseat cover (and it's totally purple, because I'm a purple kind of gal) and I made a little purple and white tutu for her to wear for pictures. I'm still planning on making a blanket for her, nothing fancy, flannel, purple with little stars and then my mom's going to help me make a slip to put under her blessing dress. The dress was mine and my Grandma had crochetted it for me, I'm so excited to put it on my little girl and have a whole generational thing going on. I'm a sucker for tradition. We also finally got the nursery put together. (Well as much of it's that's going to happen anyways. I had this desire to paint all the furniture so it matched, totally didn't happen I'm blaming the snow and winter related illnesses rather than my laziness.) Anyways, now it's just a waiting game.
Oh, and on the Tyson side of things, he's still working his behind off, we've heard somethings in job related areas, but I want to see what comes of that before I say to much, he's still looking for something, but we've at least heard some things now. He's also been approved for graduation, I can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me. Lastly the boys are good, been sick on and off, but good, happy and I think they are excited to meet their sister, as much as they understand it anyways. :)
Yay for the final stretch! Be sure to post pictures, especially for those of us who don't have Facebook. ;)