So I started my new job yesterday and it was insane. At BYU I worked with a bunch of people and I had pretty much every new kitchen toy you can think of, also I never had to peel anything and rarely had to dice either and yesterday I spent way too much time peeling and dicing potatoes and it was only for 65 people! Today was much better, I had a better handle on thing and there were no potatoes! Tomorrow I will be taking my own peeler with me. About half-way through the day I really didn't want to keep working, then came dinner, and the compliments, and rants and raving, and I remembered why I love to cook. The sense of pride I get when someone really enjoys what I put so much work into is just amazing. Those kids are so appreciative, much more so than my 20 month old boys who just want to eat oatmeal and pop-tarts. :) (Don't worry, I still love them more). Oh, and the best part, other than being totally out of shape for this and sore, my back hasn't bothered me hardly at all! Yay!
So the other thing that's been going on. We had the ultrasound on Sunday and I had 2 eggs, good sized and ready to go. So, I got shot up for the 4th time in 6 days (which doesn't even compare to when I'm actually pregnant, but still, that's a lot of needles!) this time with HCG. It does NOT give you same fuzzy euphoria that morphine does, it does however tell your body to release those little eggs so hopefully some sperm can find it, fertilize it, and grow it into a baby. Sorry if that's overly graphic, I just think of it as clinical. Anyways, we had planned on going it the "old-fashioned way" but instead decided to do the IUI (intra-uterine insemination) it gives us the best shot short of IVF, and I really hope it works. I guess we'll know in a few weeks, though I can't say I'll share info that fast. I'm a little paranoid and I know I have a chance of miscarriage, we'll just have to see.
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