The Peterson Family

The Peterson Family

Monday, September 5, 2011

Renovated Kitchen and Family Room

My new Kitchen, We are still putting a few things together (hence the sander on the counter), but this is the gist. If you look in the bottom left corner you will see the wood floor we had to put in to match the rest of the floor in the dining area, eventually we will get them refinished and they'll be all pretty, but for now, hey I've got a floor, and I'm happy! Not to mention all the new lighting and power outlets, I think my old kitchen had 2 outlets, and 2 very ineffective lights, now I have 7! and one in the pantry!

The other side of the kitchen, the pantry is new, now all I need is the cash to get the fridge I really want, and well, we have temporary countertops, I hope to replace them next year, there's that dang, pesky issue of having to pay bills, but it's ok, I've gotten really good at making due, and I can still have parties, which is really all I wanted to do anyways!

Half of the new family room, complete with my little guys toys struned all over the place. There used to be a window where the door is.

And here is the other half, it has these nifty little cubby holes I can hide things in, well once we get doors on them we can in the meantime all my nieces and nephews just think I have an awesome tunnel they can play in. You'll also notice the outlet in the middle of the wall, this is what we also refer to as wishful thinking- maybe one day put up a flat screen, so I can have some more room, and the huge thing at the end will go the way of the world, in the meantime, hey it works, and it is high-def :)

Looking down from the kitchen/dining room into the family room, we made the window sill extra wide so when our guys get a little bigger we can put stools up to it and they can have a little desk/table to color on or snack on. In the meantime, I can put my other little things on it. And see that chair, I've had it since before my little guys were born, but it was stuck in a corner of their room and never really got used. It is now one of my favorite places to sit, and read a book, or cuddle with my little guys, or even just take a short cat nap. It's so comfy!

So that's where it's at for now, we are so excited for all the space and the help we've received from family at friends, and a very special shout out to my dad who did so much work, it's like he lived here for 2 and a half months!

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