The Peterson Family

The Peterson Family

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chocolate covered eggs & Easter

These were yesterday's project. These days its all about making things as easy as possible, that said, it still took me like all day to make these, granted I made quite a few more than this, but I forgot to take a picture and some had already been given away. The dark chocolate ones are filled with Caramel and chopped pecans, so kinda like a turtle, which is probably my favorite type of chocolate. The milk ones are peanut butter, well, the base is peanut butter with a few other things mixed in and the white ones which I obviously played with the most were filled with dark chocolate truffle filling with a little bit of almond extract. I did those first and then I just decided it was taking way too long, so the others aren't nearly as cute, but hey they are eggs, just in time for Easter. Speaking of Easter, I'm excited because it will be my boys first Easter, not that they will really understand it, but that's besides the point. I am however decently nervous, I have to teach Young Women's for the first time, thankfully it's only for about 10 minutes or so, but that last age group I taught were the Sunbeams, they were great just fyi. So we'll see how that goes. Really I just have to cover the last week of the Savior's life and his Resurrection. My wonderful hubby typed up a timeline with all the scriptural references so that's been a great help, not that I'm clueless as to the order of things, but I'm not the teacher that he is, and I tend to get things a little jumbled when they are actually coming out of my mouth, so here is praying my lesson actually comes across decently on Sunday. Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our garden...

We sort of started it yesterday. I'm kind of an experimentor, I don't have a lot of practice at it, so we'll see how it goes. Yesterday we tilled all the soil and added fertilizer to it, mostly the garden we haven't used before. We planted 3 strawberry plants and a raspberry bush, wish us luck. We are hoping to plant corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, peas, carrots, and a few other things, I'm not sure what I really expect to happen, but I hope we get something worth while out of it, if nothing else, maybe a slightly healthier diet :)

Young Womens Fundraiser, and my cake..

Today we had our Young Women's fundraiser for Girls Camp, it feels like we've been working on it forever and I'm fairly sure I've only been in Young Womens for a month. Glad to have it over, but it went really well. We did a spaghetti dinner and dessert auction, I made this for it I made 9 inch yellow cakes, cut them in half and sliced strawberries, sprinkled them with sugar and put them inbetween all the layers. I used the cupcake frosting recipe from, its my favorite and I tripled the recipe. Lastly I just used chocolate coating and dipped the strawberries.
Anyways, the night went really well, and now we are on to the next project. Though I'm not really sure what that is yet. I'm hoping it's turning my garage into a family room, but we'll see.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Just got back from Arizona...

Well actually we got back on Tuesday. We were there for 5 days, we went last Thursday and due to flight delays we got to Arizona about 3 hours later than planned. It worked out, but because I had packed and checked all the boys food I had to buy a banana...for a freaking dollar, I know that doesn't sound like much except for when you recall that you pay like $1.42 for 8 or more of them at Costco, on a more funny note Jameson did cop a feel on a girl's behind on our layover in Vegas (thankfully, he's only like 9 months old and she thought it was cute). Thankfully the trip went up from there and we didn't have the same problem on the way back. So anyways, Friday we went to the Pheonix Zoo, Saturday we hung around the house and prepped the food for the Baby Blessing on Sunday, and went to someplace called Mutuku's, it was actually pretty fun. Sunday was the blessings, and Monday we went to a chocolate factory, lunch at Cheesecake Factory and went swimming. It was a ton of fun and I love getting to hang out with my brother and sis-in-law.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Its the hubby's birthday...

and I'm so excited, we are going to Texas Road House for dinner tonight with his family and mine and then coming back to our house for German Chocolate cake, I cheated on the cake, in all honesty I don't really have any problems using a box, but I usually play with it, but that didn't happen this time, but I did make the frosting from scratch and it's yummy! Let me tell you toasting the pecans makes all the difference in the world when cooking/baking, they add so much richness, and it's so easy. I just put them in our toaster oven and used the lowest toast function like twice and they came out perfect. I used the recipe from Martha Stewart, except I added a little extra vanilla, and it took me way longer than 10 minutes for the frosting/sauce to thicken. Other than that we are working on getting ready to go to Arizona for my brothers baby blessings, 2 brothers, 1 baby a piece. We are so excited, but also a little scared, we are taking the twins on an airplane and this is their farthest trip yet, any advice? I don't really want to drug 'em if we can avoid, I kind of plan on just sticking to their schedule and hope they comply. Wish us luck, oh and on a side note, Conference was awesome this last weekend, it was so good to hear all the talks on family and struggles and overcoming them. Just what I needed! Ok, now I think I'm done...